What People Say

Fourteen years ago I moved to Chicago and was lucky enough to be referred to Barbara for clinical supervision. Thus began our weekly meetings at her dining room table, where we talked and made response art, accompanied by a cup of apple cinnamon tea. Barbara helped me learn to use my artwork as an investigative tool to better understand my relationships with the children I worked with. She taught me the importance of speaking out, of being mindful of privilege and racial inequality, of listening.
More recently, I have come to know Barbara as an author and fellow writer. It has been a pleasure be able to have an ongoing dialogue with Barbara about her ideas, articles and her book about Art Based Supervision. Barbara is candid yet encouraging in her feedback. She cuts to the chase and is always a concise and careful editor. I feel lucky to have have been a witness to her creativity, and to have her as a mentor and a friend.
— Elizabeth Savage, ATR, LCPC