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I am the author of Art -Based Supervision: Cultivating Therapeutic Insight Through Imagery. 


Art-based Supervision is a text that fosters creative work in any discipline for those striving for therapeutic insight. Counselors, social workers, psychologists and other clinicians can all venture into their imaginations to find deeper meaning in their work. This text introduces response art, used for investigation and communication, and presents examples of work with imagery as a venue for self-reflection, feedback and support. Art-based supervision is a rich resource for supporting therapy. Examples of assignments and vignettes describing the work are included throughout the text, demonstrating the potential of art-based supervision to facilitate and expand the options for the investigation of clinical practice.


I am available for art-based supervision for clinicians working towards their professional credentials as well as ongoing clinical support. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in receiving clinical supervision as you work towards your ATR.


From the Back Cover

Art-Based Supervision is a unique text for graduate supervision classes and seminars as well as a resource for postgraduate supervisors and practitioners. It offers a new view of supervision, one that incorporates both images and words as tools to investigate and communicate the interactions that occur in therapy and in the systems in which clinicians work. The fundamental principles of supervision provided in the book are useful for anyone interested in exploring the use of images to support reflection, understanding and empathy in their work. Full color images enrich the narrative.


In addition to supervisory courses, Art-Based Supervision may be used for introductory art therapy, psychology, social work and counseling courses for readers interested in a broad range of intimate examples of the challenges of therapeutic work and the use of response art to grasp nuanced communication. 


“Dr. Barbara Fish’s thoughtful and engaging book on art-based supervision is a must have for anyone interested in providing supervision for anyone in the helping professions. Supervisors will gain skills in incorporating art methods. Supervisees will come away with higher expectations for the supervisory relationship. It is a rich text, full of intimate examples of artwork from Dr. Fish’s vast and unparalleled as a clinical supervisor.”

– Gussie Klorer, PhD ATR-BC, HLM


Art-Based Supervision is destined to become a resource for both students and supervisors. It enables readers to appreciate the importance of the image in a realm where words are often thought to suffice. Fish leads by example, sharing her own art as a powerful way to know herself and stay away from power issues that inevitably arise in supervision. This volume elegantly bridges the chasm between art and clinical practice in art therapy.”

– Pat B. Allen PhD, ATR, HLM


“As the profession of art therapy matures, rediscovering its roots in art, this stimulating volume is a most timely contribution to the literature – which continues to grow at a rapid pace, but not slowly on this topic. But nothing is more central to becoming a good art therapist than thoughtful, sensitive supervision! To explore therapeutic interactions through art makes such good common and clinical sense. Thanks to Barbara Fish for this eloquent most welcome book.”

– Judith A. Rubin, PhD, ATR-BC, HLM

Additional Publications

Fish, B. J. (2020). Book review: Sustaining Spirit: Self-Care for Social Justice, by N. Ortiz, Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 37(2), 103-104.


Fish, B. J. (2019). An Overview of Response Art in Art Therapy: Past, Present and Future. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. 36(3), 122-132.


Fish, B.J. (2017) Drawing and Painting Research. In P. Leavy, (Ed.). Handbook of Arts-Based Research. Guilford.


Fish, B.J. (2017). Art-based supervision: Cultivating therapeutic insight through imagery. Routledge.


Fish, B. J. (2013) Painting research: Challenges and opportunities of intimacy and depth. The Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 4(1),105-115.


Fish, B. J. (2013) Painting research: Challenges and opportunities of intimacy and depth. In S. McNiff. (Ed.). Art as Research: Opportunities and Challenges. (pp. 209-219). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.


Fish, B. J. (2013). Book review: Journaling Cancer in Words and Images: Caught in the Clutches of the Crab, by H.C. Wadeson, Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 30(1). 52-53. 


Fish, B. J. (2012). Response art: The art of the art therapist. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 29(3), 138-143.


Fish, B. J. (2008). Formative evaluation of art-based supervision in art therapy training. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 25(2), 70-77.


Fish, B. J. (2006). Image-based narrative inquiry of response art in art therapy (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Dissertations & Theses database. (UMI no. AAT 3228081).


Fish, B. (1989). Addressing countertransference through image making. In H. Wadeson, 

Durkin, J. & Perch, D. (Eds.). Advances in art therapy. (pp. 376-389). John Wiley.


Published Abstracts


Fish B. (2010). Envisioning Change: Envisioning Change: An Art Therapist’s Activism in Child Welfare Reform [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA.


Fish, B. (2009). Harm’s Touch: The Gifts and Cost of What We Witness [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, Published CD.


Fish, B. (2007). Katrina, One Year After: Why Art Therapists Chose to Witness [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 177-178.


Fish, B. (2006). Response art: A theoretical perspective [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 127-128.


Fish, B. (2006). Image-based narrative inquiry: An original qualitative research method [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 107-108.


Fish, B. (2004). Understanding research methodology through the use of response art: Warming cold tools [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 109.


Fish, B. (2003). Art for peace: Practicing what we preach [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 141.


Fish, B. (2006). Response art: A theoretical perspective [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 127-128.


Fish, B. (2006). Image-based narrative inquiry: An original qualitative research method [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 107-108.


Fish, B. (2004). Understanding research methodology through the use of response art: Warming cold tools [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 109.


Fish, B. (2003). Art for peace: Practicing what we preach [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 141.


Fish, B. (2003). Art-based supervision through a research lens [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 107.


Fish, B. (2001). Cultural self awareness through art therapy: Personal imagery brings me Home [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 13


Fish, B. (2000). Insight through art: A pilot program for school children in Cabrini Green Housing Project [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Art Therapy Association, USA, 147.



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